Ronak (RB)

Contact Me • US Born • Github SO LinkedInBlog • Resume (HTML, PDF, Slides)

Engineer with architect, frontend, backend, AWS, remote, consultant, and security experience and worked in adtech, security, gambling, and IoT industries (details available upon request)


Your company - Remote

Geolocation - SRE / DevSecOps / DevOps (2022 - Present) - Remote

RB Consulting LLC - CEO / Principal Staff (2021 - Present) - Remote

Security & Adtech - SRE / DevSecOps / DevOps (2019 - 2021) - Remote

DFS - SRE / DevSecOps / DevOps (2018 - 2019) - In Office and Remote

Adtech & Sales CMS - DevOps / DevSecOps / Full Stack Engineer (2016 - 2018) - In Office and Remote

Networking & Firewall - DevOps / DevSecOps / Automation Engineer (2013 - 2016) - In Office and Remote

IoT - Engineer (2011 - 2013) - In Office


Open Source
Personal Projects
Python: I have worked with Python for years. I’ve created APIs in Flask and Falcon, written many scripts, lambdas, and built a Django app.
Golang: Contributed to Packer and Terraform AWS Provider projects.
Node.js & TypeScript: Built a scalable API using koa and pm2 utilizing es7 features like block scoping and async / await and used mocha style jasmine tests to unit and integration test the app. Also lambdas and google scripts.
Java: Built a microservice using Springboot.
Dabbled: D3, Golang, Ruby, Bash, Kotlin and personal cloud (AWS and Azure) accounts. Envoy/Istio. Podman instead of Docker. Used gRPC and swagger for fun. I try to stay language agnostic / polyglot as much as possible.
